Insalata Nizzarda Nice's salad

Insalata Nizzarda            Nice's salad

Ingredienti per 4 persone : 1 lattuga, 3/4 pomodori da insalata, 300 gr.di fagiolini , 2 uova, 250 gr.di tonno, 150 gr. di Emmenthal, 4 filetti di acciughe, olio extravergine e sale

Preparazione : Pulire la lattuga , i pomodori e i fagiolini e lessateli , bollite le uova,quando sono fredde sgusciatele, tagliatele a fette e mettetele in una zuppiera insieme a i fagiolini lessati, i pomodori tagliati a fette, la lattuga tagliata fine, le acciughe tagliate a pezzi, l’Emmenthal fatto a dadini, il tonno sbriciolato con la forchetta. Mescolate e condite con olio extravergine d’oliva e sale

Ingredients for 4 people: 1 lettuce, 3/4 salad tomatoes, 300 grams of green beans, 2 eggs, 250 gr. of tuna, 150 gr. of Emmenthal, 4 anchovy fillets, extra virgin olive oil and salt

Preparation: Clean the lettuce, tomatoes and green beans and boil them, boil the eggs, when they are cold shelled, cut them into slices and place them in a bowl together with the boiled green beans, the tomatoes cut into slices, the thinly sliced ​​lettuce, the anchovies cut into pieces, diced Emmenthal, crumbled tuna with a fork. Stir and season with extra virgin olive oil and salt

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